Who We Are

Lignum Consulting Group (LCG) is a vibrant professional services company that focuses on helping businesses achieve their organizational significance by unlocking their full human capital and operational potential.

LCG works primarily with investment management firms and their portfolio companies, providing bespoke human capital consultancy; and also provides business consultancy services to small businesses operating in the Tourism & Hospitality, Agricultural, Mining, Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics and Professional Services sectors of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our Name

Our name, Lignum, derives from the latin phrase Lignum Vitae which means “tree of life”. The Tree of Life is a symbol of strength and growth, and represents the interconnectedness of all things. At LCG, we believe that successful companies understand the interconnectedness of people, processes and systems, and leverage these components to maximize productivity and value creation.

Our Aim

Our aim, simply stated, is to support business growth in Africa. We do this by providing our clients with human and other resources that add value to their businesses and help them to grow their businesses. At the centre of it all, we strive to answer the question, “How tall does a tree grow?”. The simple answer: “As tall as it can”. We view our clients’ businesses as fruit-bearing trees, and we work hard to ensure that we assist our clients in creating nurturing conditions that foster growth and productivity. Conditions that allow their businesses to grow as tall as they can.

LCG provides human capital and strategic human resource management consulting services ranging from recruitment and selection to reward management and succession planning for investment management portfolio companies.

For startups and small businesses, we provide business coaching and consultancy covering leadership, operations and personnel management.